
This DRS lab was a ten-day project carried out at Espacio Open on Zor- roztaurre in central Bilbao in June 2022. The Echoing River sought to address the theme of Creative Industries and Public Space through sonic placemaking. With this paper, which reports on the Lab outputs, we hope to demonstrate new ways of activating abandoned and overlooked public spaces in creative ways. The lab exemplifies a way for Bilbao to involve people in experimental, hands-on creative work that reveals the value of an enriched, shared public sphere. Interdisciplinary international collabora- tion is fundamental to our approach. The Echoing River convened students and staff from three different universities, and partners from more than five other organisa- tions. The immediate outputs of the Lab include a series of sonic artworks that were experienced by more than 250 people over two days. Outcomes include an increased awareness of the value of culture in overlooked urban places, and an appreciation of the power of exploratory creative practice to bring people together. Outputs include videos, furniture, installation, ceramics, and sound design.


cultural placemaking, sonic placemaking, sound design, practice based research, participative design, co-creation.

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track



Jun 25th, 9:00 AM

The echoing river: A DRS 2022 Lab

This DRS lab was a ten-day project carried out at Espacio Open on Zor- roztaurre in central Bilbao in June 2022. The Echoing River sought to address the theme of Creative Industries and Public Space through sonic placemaking. With this paper, which reports on the Lab outputs, we hope to demonstrate new ways of activating abandoned and overlooked public spaces in creative ways. The lab exemplifies a way for Bilbao to involve people in experimental, hands-on creative work that reveals the value of an enriched, shared public sphere. Interdisciplinary international collabora- tion is fundamental to our approach. The Echoing River convened students and staff from three different universities, and partners from more than five other organisa- tions. The immediate outputs of the Lab include a series of sonic artworks that were experienced by more than 250 people over two days. Outcomes include an increased awareness of the value of culture in overlooked urban places, and an appreciation of the power of exploratory creative practice to bring people together. Outputs include videos, furniture, installation, ceramics, and sound design.


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