
The work presented here interrogates the future of design education by presenting the early development of a new curriculum in a small rural university in the P´urhepécha region, Mexico. The new undergraduate program is created drawing from the literature on decoloniality and transmodernity to reimagine design education. The interplay between this early work and a systematic inquiry of coloniality leads to new ways of thinking about design education and design at large in this context. This work contributes to a South-South dialogue seeking to undo coloniality in creative pedagogical practices and to reimagine what it means to design and to learn beyond the hegemony of modernity.


dialogic education; deschooling; internal coloniality; latin america

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Delinking design: Decolonialidad & Transmodernidad in future design education in Abya Yala

The work presented here interrogates the future of design education by presenting the early development of a new curriculum in a small rural university in the P´urhepécha region, Mexico. The new undergraduate program is created drawing from the literature on decoloniality and transmodernity to reimagine design education. The interplay between this early work and a systematic inquiry of coloniality leads to new ways of thinking about design education and design at large in this context. This work contributes to a South-South dialogue seeking to undo coloniality in creative pedagogical practices and to reimagine what it means to design and to learn beyond the hegemony of modernity.


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