
Cultural globalisation threatens some traditional foods, as foreign food cultures can make local foods less popular. While food-related rituals play a crucial role in enhancing cultural identity and the overall experience of traditional food, there remains limited research on the successful design of these rituals. This study aims to propose a Food Ritual Design Framework that inspires the design of traditional food. The framework was applied in a case study on Sugar Painting, and its applicability and effectiveness were evaluated through a questionnaire survey (n = 133). The survey revealed the successful integration of 47 diverse traditional foods into the framework. Design researchers and practitioners rated the framework highly, giving it an average score of 4.02. This framework provides valuable guidance for designing traditional foods, enabling them to align with their inherent rituals and adapt to the dynamic landscape of future food systems.


ritual; traditional food; sugar painting; cultural identity

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Enhancing traditional food experience: A Food Ritual Design Framework

Cultural globalisation threatens some traditional foods, as foreign food cultures can make local foods less popular. While food-related rituals play a crucial role in enhancing cultural identity and the overall experience of traditional food, there remains limited research on the successful design of these rituals. This study aims to propose a Food Ritual Design Framework that inspires the design of traditional food. The framework was applied in a case study on Sugar Painting, and its applicability and effectiveness were evaluated through a questionnaire survey (n = 133). The survey revealed the successful integration of 47 diverse traditional foods into the framework. Design researchers and practitioners rated the framework highly, giving it an average score of 4.02. This framework provides valuable guidance for designing traditional foods, enabling them to align with their inherent rituals and adapt to the dynamic landscape of future food systems.


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