
Electronic commerce has significantly transformed the modern economy, efficiently connecting production and consumption while altering people's consumption patterns. While artificial intelligence has found extensive application in creative production, its application in creating innovative content for e-commerce is still in its early stages. The progressively refined e-commerce industry demands a significant amount of creative content to attract consumers, thus increasing the demand for designers and further elevating the operational costs for businesses. This paper focuses on creating creative content for products in an e-commerce context. It proposes a design paradigm integrating speech recognition and image generation technology, supplementing existing design theories and methods. Additionally, systematic design and empirical research are conducted in e-commerce, effectively addressing real-world issues such as a shortage of designers and a lack of creativity in the e-commerce industry.


electronic commerce; speech recognition; image generation; human-ai collaboration; intelligent design

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Product creative content generation based on speech recognition in e-commerce

Electronic commerce has significantly transformed the modern economy, efficiently connecting production and consumption while altering people's consumption patterns. While artificial intelligence has found extensive application in creative production, its application in creating innovative content for e-commerce is still in its early stages. The progressively refined e-commerce industry demands a significant amount of creative content to attract consumers, thus increasing the demand for designers and further elevating the operational costs for businesses. This paper focuses on creating creative content for products in an e-commerce context. It proposes a design paradigm integrating speech recognition and image generation technology, supplementing existing design theories and methods. Additionally, systematic design and empirical research are conducted in e-commerce, effectively addressing real-world issues such as a shortage of designers and a lack of creativity in the e-commerce industry.


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