
In the industrial robotics field, mastering the operation of traditional industrial robot teaching systems requires operators to undergo intricate training, hindering production efficiency. To address this challenge, we proposed an interaction design framework for industrial robot teaching systems based on tangible interaction theory. This study outlined how our proposed framework, anchored in tangible interaction paradigms, provided architectural direction for the design of these teaching systems, markedly enhancing operators' efficiency in learning operations. We utilized this framework to direct the interaction design of a welding robot teaching system and validated the framework's feasibility through experimentation. Experimental results revealed a notable enhancement in operator learning efficiency with the implementation of the new system compared to the traditional teaching system. This study provides theoretical and practical evidence for the reduction of operational complexity in industrial robot teaching systems, enhancement of production efficiency, and optimization of the working experience for operators.


industrial robot teaching; human-robot interaction; tangible interaction; interaction design framework

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Proposing a tangible interaction framework for the design of industrial robot teaching systems: Enhancing user efficiency in learning operations

In the industrial robotics field, mastering the operation of traditional industrial robot teaching systems requires operators to undergo intricate training, hindering production efficiency. To address this challenge, we proposed an interaction design framework for industrial robot teaching systems based on tangible interaction theory. This study outlined how our proposed framework, anchored in tangible interaction paradigms, provided architectural direction for the design of these teaching systems, markedly enhancing operators' efficiency in learning operations. We utilized this framework to direct the interaction design of a welding robot teaching system and validated the framework's feasibility through experimentation. Experimental results revealed a notable enhancement in operator learning efficiency with the implementation of the new system compared to the traditional teaching system. This study provides theoretical and practical evidence for the reduction of operational complexity in industrial robot teaching systems, enhancement of production efficiency, and optimization of the working experience for operators.


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