
In July 2023, the author carried out a design fiction workshop over a 4-day span in Vovousa, a village of 132 inhabitants by the banks of the wild river Aoos/Vjosa, in the heart of the Pindus range, in the area of Epirus, Greece. In a location with a history of tensions regarding the creation of hydroelectric dams, the workshop participants were invited as a group to consider and discuss different scenarios for the future of the settlement, set in the year 2048. As a group, they publicly presented artefacts from one selected future with the discussions following indicating that the polyphony generated by the proposals ought to be a given in any community inquiring their preferred future. Such investigations on futures ought to be a constant and continuous endeavor, since, as this short workshop illustrates, even the best outcome today is no panacea for living a preferable future tomorrow.


design fiction; participatory workshop; rural development; community challenges

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Vovousa 2048: a Design Fiction workshop imagining the future in a rural and remote area in Greece

In July 2023, the author carried out a design fiction workshop over a 4-day span in Vovousa, a village of 132 inhabitants by the banks of the wild river Aoos/Vjosa, in the heart of the Pindus range, in the area of Epirus, Greece. In a location with a history of tensions regarding the creation of hydroelectric dams, the workshop participants were invited as a group to consider and discuss different scenarios for the future of the settlement, set in the year 2048. As a group, they publicly presented artefacts from one selected future with the discussions following indicating that the polyphony generated by the proposals ought to be a given in any community inquiring their preferred future. Such investigations on futures ought to be a constant and continuous endeavor, since, as this short workshop illustrates, even the best outcome today is no panacea for living a preferable future tomorrow.


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