
This paper presents two case studies in which the sound design processes of two professional sound designers, from radio and film, are examined. Through a study procedure that uses techniques such as interviews, observations and a novel set of design briefs, the sound designers' unique approaches and primary concerns are revealed. Results from these studies aim to inform and consolidate the link between professional sound designers´ practices in media production and the field of sonic interaction design.


sound design, creative process, foley sounds, media production

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Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 25th, 9:00 AM

Investigating the sound design process: Two case studies from radio and film production

This paper presents two case studies in which the sound design processes of two professional sound designers, from radio and film, are examined. Through a study procedure that uses techniques such as interviews, observations and a novel set of design briefs, the sound designers' unique approaches and primary concerns are revealed. Results from these studies aim to inform and consolidate the link between professional sound designers´ practices in media production and the field of sonic interaction design.


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