
New, ongoing, and unremitting urgencies are aggregating at a furious rate – climate, inequality, populism, poverty, artificial intelligence, and unchecked capitalism. This uncertainty is daunting, but as bell hooks reminds us, “[t]he classroom, with all its limitations, remains a location of possibility” (1994: 207). The DRS EdSIG invites contributions that explore design education and its limitations and possibilities in the following ways: Resisting Education / The Education of Resistance What forms of design education should be resisted? How has design education been complicit in supporting existing orders? / What does it mean to educate future designers and design researchers for resistance, and what kinds of resistance should we be educating for? Recovering Education / The Education of Recovery What should we recover design education from? And what might we need to lose? / What does educating future designers and design researchers for recovery mean? Reflecting on Education / The Education of Reflection Which established epistemologies of design education should we critically reflect on? What modes of reflection are needed nowadays? / How can the education of future designers and design researchers utilise reflection to challenge existing orders and worldviews? Reimagining Education / The Education of Re-imagination How do we reimagine? With whom and what are the fruits of this re-imagining? / What does educating future designers and design researchers for re-imagination mean? We invite speculations, positions, possibilities, case studies, and empirical investigations that reconsider our knowledge, methods, and approaches in design education at undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral level.


Design Education

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Resisting, Recovering, Reflecting, and Reimagining Design Education

New, ongoing, and unremitting urgencies are aggregating at a furious rate – climate, inequality, populism, poverty, artificial intelligence, and unchecked capitalism. This uncertainty is daunting, but as bell hooks reminds us, “[t]he classroom, with all its limitations, remains a location of possibility” (1994: 207). The DRS EdSIG invites contributions that explore design education and its limitations and possibilities in the following ways: Resisting Education / The Education of Resistance What forms of design education should be resisted? How has design education been complicit in supporting existing orders? / What does it mean to educate future designers and design researchers for resistance, and what kinds of resistance should we be educating for? Recovering Education / The Education of Recovery What should we recover design education from? And what might we need to lose? / What does educating future designers and design researchers for recovery mean? Reflecting on Education / The Education of Reflection Which established epistemologies of design education should we critically reflect on? What modes of reflection are needed nowadays? / How can the education of future designers and design researchers utilise reflection to challenge existing orders and worldviews? Reimagining Education / The Education of Re-imagination How do we reimagine? With whom and what are the fruits of this re-imagining? / What does educating future designers and design researchers for re-imagination mean? We invite speculations, positions, possibilities, case studies, and empirical investigations that reconsider our knowledge, methods, and approaches in design education at undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral level.


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