
The value of design in the commercial sector has been studied for years across various disciplines, but in fragmented ways, each employing their own research methods. In the Special Interest Group ‘Designing Retail and Service Futures’, linked to this track, we strive to better understand the value of design in the commercial sector, including closely linked disciplines, such as retail and hospitality design, service design, product and fashion design, branding and graphic design, marketing and business economics, design management, environmental psychology, interior design and architecture. Why? Recent developments, accelerated by the pandemic, demonstrate a growing convergence between retail, hospitality, and services in design practice. All three sectors are undeniably intertwined and influenced by the digital world, leading to hybrid experiences and a demand for both global and local marketplaces. This challenges researchers in the retail, hospitality and service sector to reimagine and reflect upon future developments, the status quo, and explore new ways of doing and designing. Still recovering from the covid-crisis, and facing energy and climate crises that have a significant impact on the commercial sector, we need to ask ourselves: How can services and brands be developed in a sustainable way and remain relevant for consumers? How can they stay afloat despite the many challenges? This calls for resistance and innovation. We welcome papers that contribute to this new reality and futures. Papers may address issues including, but not necessarily limited to, case studies, pedagogy, and innovative research.


Retail design, service design, hospitality design

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Retail, Hospitality, and Service Design Futures

The value of design in the commercial sector has been studied for years across various disciplines, but in fragmented ways, each employing their own research methods. In the Special Interest Group ‘Designing Retail and Service Futures’, linked to this track, we strive to better understand the value of design in the commercial sector, including closely linked disciplines, such as retail and hospitality design, service design, product and fashion design, branding and graphic design, marketing and business economics, design management, environmental psychology, interior design and architecture. Why? Recent developments, accelerated by the pandemic, demonstrate a growing convergence between retail, hospitality, and services in design practice. All three sectors are undeniably intertwined and influenced by the digital world, leading to hybrid experiences and a demand for both global and local marketplaces. This challenges researchers in the retail, hospitality and service sector to reimagine and reflect upon future developments, the status quo, and explore new ways of doing and designing. Still recovering from the covid-crisis, and facing energy and climate crises that have a significant impact on the commercial sector, we need to ask ourselves: How can services and brands be developed in a sustainable way and remain relevant for consumers? How can they stay afloat despite the many challenges? This calls for resistance and innovation. We welcome papers that contribute to this new reality and futures. Papers may address issues including, but not necessarily limited to, case studies, pedagogy, and innovative research.


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