
Contemporary design practice requires a more-than-human orientation to deal with computational artifacts. In this paper I discuss how the participation of artifacts in design activities during use time blurs categories of design, use and artifact. I use the analytical concept of design space, informed by a framework of co-performance to highlight some contours in this blurred situation. To do so I adopt a critical design approach, and present three conceptual smart thermostats based on the concepts of framing, tinkering and scripts. This contributes to awareness and discussions of design-in-use and the role of artifacts in an increasingly automated and connected everyday. I articulate some emerging implications for design and research.


design space; design-in-use; co-performance; more-than-human design

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Contours in Blurred Design Spaces: More-than-Human Participation of Artifacts in Design-in-Use

Contemporary design practice requires a more-than-human orientation to deal with computational artifacts. In this paper I discuss how the participation of artifacts in design activities during use time blurs categories of design, use and artifact. I use the analytical concept of design space, informed by a framework of co-performance to highlight some contours in this blurred situation. To do so I adopt a critical design approach, and present three conceptual smart thermostats based on the concepts of framing, tinkering and scripts. This contributes to awareness and discussions of design-in-use and the role of artifacts in an increasingly automated and connected everyday. I articulate some emerging implications for design and research.


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