
As the population ages, chronic disease management (CDM) has become a challenge for current public health services. Previously, designing for patients with chronic diseases often saw them as passive objects of design, hindering their agency. Understanding patients' agency is very important for health management, but the empowerment approach in the health field is often a disguised paternalism. This study aims to use the empowerment theory to reframe the possibility of the design empowering CDM and propose corresponding means of empowerment. We identified four types of design empowerment in CDM and articulated specific empowerment strategies through case studies. Our study therefore enriches the theoretical landscape regarding the role of design empowerment within CDM, offering insights for amplifying the voice of design at the crossroads of empowerment and CDM.


empowerment; design empowerment; chronic disease management

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

A bottom-up transformation: Design empowering chronic disease management types and strategies

As the population ages, chronic disease management (CDM) has become a challenge for current public health services. Previously, designing for patients with chronic diseases often saw them as passive objects of design, hindering their agency. Understanding patients' agency is very important for health management, but the empowerment approach in the health field is often a disguised paternalism. This study aims to use the empowerment theory to reframe the possibility of the design empowering CDM and propose corresponding means of empowerment. We identified four types of design empowerment in CDM and articulated specific empowerment strategies through case studies. Our study therefore enriches the theoretical landscape regarding the role of design empowerment within CDM, offering insights for amplifying the voice of design at the crossroads of empowerment and CDM.


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