
Sound-driven design is a collaborative and multidisciplinary design activity which uses sound as catalyst of the design approach. We present a semantic-oriented methodology and coding system to capture the diversity of sound-driven concepts that support the design process. We evaluate the methodology in a protocol study of a design team, composed of one sound designer, one acoustic engineer, one designer, and one expert user, engaged in exploring the listening dimension in the caregiving experience. We use linkographic analysis to integrate and evaluate our coding scheme. The methodology proves to be effective in revealing the semantic models of the participants and representing their semantic contribution to the design process. Two protocol studies in the same context are in progress to iterate the methodology and the coding scheme. The results are expected to provide a solid ground to devise methods and boundary tools to facilitate participation and co-creation in sound-driven design.


sound-driven design; protocol analysis; design process; semantic models

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Designing [The, With, Against] Sound [For]: Towards A Semantic-oriented Coding Scheme For Protocol Studies In Sound-driven Design

Sound-driven design is a collaborative and multidisciplinary design activity which uses sound as catalyst of the design approach. We present a semantic-oriented methodology and coding system to capture the diversity of sound-driven concepts that support the design process. We evaluate the methodology in a protocol study of a design team, composed of one sound designer, one acoustic engineer, one designer, and one expert user, engaged in exploring the listening dimension in the caregiving experience. We use linkographic analysis to integrate and evaluate our coding scheme. The methodology proves to be effective in revealing the semantic models of the participants and representing their semantic contribution to the design process. Two protocol studies in the same context are in progress to iterate the methodology and the coding scheme. The results are expected to provide a solid ground to devise methods and boundary tools to facilitate participation and co-creation in sound-driven design.


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