
In this paper we explore the emerging qualities of Counteristic Design practises as they depart from Discursive models. In this process, Counterism is under-pinned as an emerging field of study that seeks to design trust. Counterism offers a way of resistance by creating systems of autonomy, accountability and repara-tion that values difference and creativity. The two projects analysed vary in ap-proach, with some developing new methods by incorporating new technologies, while others reimagine existing methods. These approaches can offer interesting ways towards a new future for citizens at the intersection of social justice, and technology. Counteristic practises operate within the system with the aim to shape its directionality in a particular direction in which social justice is para-mount. In this process the critical becomes tactical in which the main aim is to restore trust rather than build engagement.


counterism; discursive design; critical design; tactical design

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Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Counterism and Trust; From Critical to Tactical Design

In this paper we explore the emerging qualities of Counteristic Design practises as they depart from Discursive models. In this process, Counterism is under-pinned as an emerging field of study that seeks to design trust. Counterism offers a way of resistance by creating systems of autonomy, accountability and repara-tion that values difference and creativity. The two projects analysed vary in ap-proach, with some developing new methods by incorporating new technologies, while others reimagine existing methods. These approaches can offer interesting ways towards a new future for citizens at the intersection of social justice, and technology. Counteristic practises operate within the system with the aim to shape its directionality in a particular direction in which social justice is para-mount. In this process the critical becomes tactical in which the main aim is to restore trust rather than build engagement.


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