
The aim of this research is to analyze and expose risks associated with using AI tools such as Large Language Models and Text to Image Models to create user personas, and initiate a discussion about their application in design practice. First, a model is presented comparing the traditional user research approach with an AI persona generation method. Through a case study involving the creation of personas within the context of Mexico City, a critical analysis is conducted, revealing biases. Possible causes and risks for design practice and education are discussed, as well as potential benefits. Finally, a model for scalability of AI personas and generation of design ideas is presented. The significance of these findings shows the importance for design research to question how AI tools work.


user personas; bias; artificial intelligence; design research

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Generating user personas with AI: Reflecting on its implications for design

The aim of this research is to analyze and expose risks associated with using AI tools such as Large Language Models and Text to Image Models to create user personas, and initiate a discussion about their application in design practice. First, a model is presented comparing the traditional user research approach with an AI persona generation method. Through a case study involving the creation of personas within the context of Mexico City, a critical analysis is conducted, revealing biases. Possible causes and risks for design practice and education are discussed, as well as potential benefits. Finally, a model for scalability of AI personas and generation of design ideas is presented. The significance of these findings shows the importance for design research to question how AI tools work.


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