
Transition design employs futuring to navigate change towards more sustainable and just futures. Although the development of transition design has been informed by futures studies, it could benefit from more detailed investigation of its futuring practices in relation to established concepts and approaches. A further exploration of, and integration with, futures studies offers opportunities to develop more conceptual and practical guidance. This paper aligns transition-oriented futuring with Slaughter’s levels of futures work (1996b, 2002), and Amara’s (1981) and Björeson et al.’s (2006) scenario typology to better understand what kind of futuring transition design engages in. An expanded applied approach is proposed to support a more rigorous and comprehensive practice to transition-oriented futuring by learning from established knowledge in its neighbouring field.


transition design; futures studies; critical futures; visioning

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Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

What Kind Of Futuring Is Transition-Oriented Futuring? Conceptualising And Expanding Notions of Futuring in Transition Design

Transition design employs futuring to navigate change towards more sustainable and just futures. Although the development of transition design has been informed by futures studies, it could benefit from more detailed investigation of its futuring practices in relation to established concepts and approaches. A further exploration of, and integration with, futures studies offers opportunities to develop more conceptual and practical guidance. This paper aligns transition-oriented futuring with Slaughter’s levels of futures work (1996b, 2002), and Amara’s (1981) and Björeson et al.’s (2006) scenario typology to better understand what kind of futuring transition design engages in. An expanded applied approach is proposed to support a more rigorous and comprehensive practice to transition-oriented futuring by learning from established knowledge in its neighbouring field.


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