
Advancing collective capacities relies on innumerable small ‘nano’-actions by individuals which govern, if effectively combined, any institutional (knowledge economy) and societal performance (knowledge society). In this endeavor, scaling people and knowledge connectedness present a key systemic strategy. Successive evolutionary ceilings have been overcome by general-purpose technologies such as language, toolmaking, writing, printing, computerization, and the web. But, as digitization is spreading, digital dividends are not. Facing widening opportunity divides, the elephants in the room are the entropy caused and the attention squandered by today’s ever-accelerating abundance of replicated, fragmented, outdated, and unvetted content. Any solution to this unsustainable wicked state ought to mitigate these constraints by affording systemic citizens the ease of utilizing and contributing to the transdisciplinary knowledge heritage. Using the ‘citizen-led design approach’ theme as a macroscope, the concept and mission of a longitudinal research and start-up project is presented for building a digital platform ecosystem and community for knowledge co-creation.


co-creation; systemic citizen; systemic design; platform community

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Benefitting systemic citizens and sustainable knowledge heritage: Building a digital platform ecosystem and community for knowledge co-creation

Advancing collective capacities relies on innumerable small ‘nano’-actions by individuals which govern, if effectively combined, any institutional (knowledge economy) and societal performance (knowledge society). In this endeavor, scaling people and knowledge connectedness present a key systemic strategy. Successive evolutionary ceilings have been overcome by general-purpose technologies such as language, toolmaking, writing, printing, computerization, and the web. But, as digitization is spreading, digital dividends are not. Facing widening opportunity divides, the elephants in the room are the entropy caused and the attention squandered by today’s ever-accelerating abundance of replicated, fragmented, outdated, and unvetted content. Any solution to this unsustainable wicked state ought to mitigate these constraints by affording systemic citizens the ease of utilizing and contributing to the transdisciplinary knowledge heritage. Using the ‘citizen-led design approach’ theme as a macroscope, the concept and mission of a longitudinal research and start-up project is presented for building a digital platform ecosystem and community for knowledge co-creation.


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