
The Covid experience has prompted public institutions to develop and try new strategies to better address healthcare facilities to the citizens and their community: the so-called proximity healthcare. It treats the user as a guest, conveying a feeling of home and hospitality. Like landmarks, these structures can be considered territorial references, inclusive and enabling support to patients and the local community. In addition, the act of caring and responsibility towards others and the community is fostered through the inclusion and welcoming of the individual within the community itself. Regione Lombardia received funds from the national Recovery and Resilience Plan to build and implement a service, to bring it closer to its citizens and to create a network of accessible facilities. The projects used the competences of different departments of [institution] to develop and design services and visual and spatial solutions. This paper focuses on the intervention of the Design Department of the [institution] that created a meta-project (with a meta-design book as output) with spatial and visual guidelines to raise awareness in healthcare facility post covid, capable of expressing the identity of these new places (Case and Ospedali di Comunità), implementing the sense of belonging and well-being within the structures. The Meta-design book served as a design tool for the horizontal application of a concept in the heterogeneous spatial contexts offered by emerging healthcare facilities. The process allowed researchers to apply tools to support public stakeholders characterized by different degrees of competence and involvement in the design process.


spatial design, visual design, healthcare, design tools, public institutions

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track



Oct 9th, 9:00 AM

Visual and spatial design for proximity healthcare: the meta-design book of “Case e Ospedali di Comunità” of Regione Lombardia

The Covid experience has prompted public institutions to develop and try new strategies to better address healthcare facilities to the citizens and their community: the so-called proximity healthcare. It treats the user as a guest, conveying a feeling of home and hospitality. Like landmarks, these structures can be considered territorial references, inclusive and enabling support to patients and the local community. In addition, the act of caring and responsibility towards others and the community is fostered through the inclusion and welcoming of the individual within the community itself. Regione Lombardia received funds from the national Recovery and Resilience Plan to build and implement a service, to bring it closer to its citizens and to create a network of accessible facilities. The projects used the competences of different departments of [institution] to develop and design services and visual and spatial solutions. This paper focuses on the intervention of the Design Department of the [institution] that created a meta-project (with a meta-design book as output) with spatial and visual guidelines to raise awareness in healthcare facility post covid, capable of expressing the identity of these new places (Case and Ospedali di Comunità), implementing the sense of belonging and well-being within the structures. The Meta-design book served as a design tool for the horizontal application of a concept in the heterogeneous spatial contexts offered by emerging healthcare facilities. The process allowed researchers to apply tools to support public stakeholders characterized by different degrees of competence and involvement in the design process.


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