
Nonverbal communication has played an important role in society from prehistoric times until the present day. Motion graphics are a potent visual communication tool that not only transmits messages but also influences audience perception. Studying the effect of motion factors on human perception can enhance our understanding of human feeling and mechanism, which can lead to the development of new innovations. In this study, the sense of being alive was investigated due to its potential value in media and product development. What are the factors that influenced with the feeling of a sense of being alive? This question was raised. The experiment was performed using motion graphic stimuli with of three factors namely, angle, acceleration, and fluctuation as the tools for investigating the factors that affect the evaluation of a sense of being alive. The previous studies have pointed out the importance of the fluctuation factor in influencing the sense of being alive, the results of this study indicate that angle is significant factor. The presence or absence of both fluctuation and acceleration can affect the feeling of a sense of being alive differently depending on the attribute being evaluated.


motion; sense of being alive; artifacts; emotional evaluation

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track



Oct 9th, 9:00 AM

A Study on the Sense of Being Alive Expressed in Motion

Nonverbal communication has played an important role in society from prehistoric times until the present day. Motion graphics are a potent visual communication tool that not only transmits messages but also influences audience perception. Studying the effect of motion factors on human perception can enhance our understanding of human feeling and mechanism, which can lead to the development of new innovations. In this study, the sense of being alive was investigated due to its potential value in media and product development. What are the factors that influenced with the feeling of a sense of being alive? This question was raised. The experiment was performed using motion graphic stimuli with of three factors namely, angle, acceleration, and fluctuation as the tools for investigating the factors that affect the evaluation of a sense of being alive. The previous studies have pointed out the importance of the fluctuation factor in influencing the sense of being alive, the results of this study indicate that angle is significant factor. The presence or absence of both fluctuation and acceleration can affect the feeling of a sense of being alive differently depending on the attribute being evaluated.


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