
In the context of scholarly publication, Pictorials represent a valuable approach to knowledge dissemination, particularly in design, HCI, and related disciplines. These academic contributions elevate visual elements to central roles in scholarly communication, facilitating a holistic understanding of research findings. They provide a setting where visual elements, including diagrams, sketches, photographs, and illustrations, take center stage, fostering innovative ways of communicating research. They also offer an alternative framework for sharing complex concepts that resist traditional textual transcription. This shift acknowledges the cognitive significance of visual representations and the limitations of text-centric formats. In this contribution we analyze Pictorials submitted to IASDR 2023 in terms of recurring themes, visual elements, relationship between visuals and text, communication functions, narrative structure, and visual quality. We find a wide variety of approaches, with some achieving seamless integration while others remain somewhat disjointed. Common composition strategies include annotated images, text-rich diagrams, and captions. Narrative structures within Pictorials include sequences of images, storyboards, juxtapositions, and complex formats, each serving unique purposes in conveying research findings. The analysis culminates in the development of a set of comprehensive categories, which discerningly classifies Pictorials into distinct typologies: information-driven, narrative-driven, informative, and technical or scientific, reflecting diverse design and communication goals. In conclusion, Pictorials celebrate diversity in expression and the integration of visual and textual communication, transforming how knowledge is shared.


Pictorial; Knowledge dissemination; Visual Design; Scholarly publications

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track



Oct 9th, 9:00 AM

Pictorials in design research: A comprehensive analysis of IASDR 2023 contributions

In the context of scholarly publication, Pictorials represent a valuable approach to knowledge dissemination, particularly in design, HCI, and related disciplines. These academic contributions elevate visual elements to central roles in scholarly communication, facilitating a holistic understanding of research findings. They provide a setting where visual elements, including diagrams, sketches, photographs, and illustrations, take center stage, fostering innovative ways of communicating research. They also offer an alternative framework for sharing complex concepts that resist traditional textual transcription. This shift acknowledges the cognitive significance of visual representations and the limitations of text-centric formats. In this contribution we analyze Pictorials submitted to IASDR 2023 in terms of recurring themes, visual elements, relationship between visuals and text, communication functions, narrative structure, and visual quality. We find a wide variety of approaches, with some achieving seamless integration while others remain somewhat disjointed. Common composition strategies include annotated images, text-rich diagrams, and captions. Narrative structures within Pictorials include sequences of images, storyboards, juxtapositions, and complex formats, each serving unique purposes in conveying research findings. The analysis culminates in the development of a set of comprehensive categories, which discerningly classifies Pictorials into distinct typologies: information-driven, narrative-driven, informative, and technical or scientific, reflecting diverse design and communication goals. In conclusion, Pictorials celebrate diversity in expression and the integration of visual and textual communication, transforming how knowledge is shared.


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