Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference, 1980: Design: Science: Method
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The 1980 DRS Conference proceedings were published IPS Business Press Ltd. The following text is from the introduction of the printed volume:
The 1980 Conference of the Design Reserach Society (DRS) sought to explore further the relationships between design, science and method. In choosing this theme I was aware that as terms their meanings are anything but clear, and the relationships between them even less so. Both science and method have played a large part in design thinking over the past two decades or so, but to many the field is characterised by the arguments of the early years. Method has been, since the 1950's, the focus of the debate among design theorists about the nature of design and its processes. The antagonists have seen design 'method' 'methods' and 'methodology' as variously mechanistic, over-simplistic, joyless, or as denying the essentially creative nature of design.