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The Design Research Society Conference 'Changing Design' was held at Portsmouth in 1976, and the proceedings published in 1982. The papers from the conference were arranged into four sections dealing with Design in Context, Opening up Design, Design for All, and Context Design.


1 Introduction: Changing design

15 Section 1. Design in context

21 Defining the change agent, Richard N Ottaway
41 Changing assumptions about design problems, Robin Jacques
57 The monitoring of building performance-a cautionary tale, Denis Harper
71 Science , legislation , and architecture, Bryan Lawson
85 Engineering design: time for action, Stuart Pugh
99 Problems and change: some thoughts on the human context of designing,Reg Talbot
109 Monitoring design processes, David Yeomans

125 Section 2. Opening design

137 Design education for laypeople, Nigel Cross
147 Changing design criticism, Wayne Attoe
161 Designing design education-a role for educational technology, Phillippe C. Duchilstel
173 Educating designers, Geoffrey Broadbent
201 A case of participation that actually worked, Erik Hultberg
211 Firm ground, Roy Madron
223 Planning bureaucracies, Stephen Platt
231 Design and technology assessment, Harry Rothman

243 Section 3. Design for all

257 Beyond design methods-arguments for a practical design theory, Richard Foque 275 Beyond a linear iterative process, Allen Hickling
295 The case for anarchy in design research, Chris Abel
303 Methodology of research programmes, Royston Landau
311 In defence of misfit, Tomas Llorens
325 The role of metaphor, Chris Abel

345 Section 4. Context design

347 Voices at the conference conference, Chris Jones

369 Name Index
375 Subject Index

Publication Date




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Changing Design



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