Meta-Design is a design methodology which has the potential to transform many application areas, including: system design (customization, personalization, tailorability, end-user development, open source and open systems, living systems); architectural design (underdesign, support for “unself-conscious culture of design”); teaching and learning (teachers as facilitator, learning communities, courses-as-seeds, self-directed learning, the emergent is a necessity); and, interactive art (collaboration, co-creation, put the tools rather than the object of design in the hands of users).
Fischer, G. (2004) Meta-Design: Putting Owners of Problems in Charge., in Redmond, J., Durling, D. and de Bono, A (eds.), Futureground - DRS International Conference 2004, 17-21 November, Melbourne, Australia. https://dl.designresearchsociety.org/drs-conference-papers/drs2004/researchpapers/1
Meta-Design: Putting Owners of Problems in Charge.
Meta-Design is a design methodology which has the potential to transform many application areas, including: system design (customization, personalization, tailorability, end-user development, open source and open systems, living systems); architectural design (underdesign, support for “unself-conscious culture of design”); teaching and learning (teachers as facilitator, learning communities, courses-as-seeds, self-directed learning, the emergent is a necessity); and, interactive art (collaboration, co-creation, put the tools rather than the object of design in the hands of users).