DRS Digital Library - DRS Biennial Conference Series: New Models for Design Management in the Textile Industry in Response to Direct Digital Textile Print Technology and Manufacture.


This paper is based on initial research including a literature review of the management of digital printing processes and technology in the paper and textile industries. For the purposes of this paper I will use the scope of thought evolved from the Design Management Institute in Boston USA. Continuing research will be augmented by quantitative data analysis and comparative analysis of case studies and also research of the philosophical underpinning of these business ventures. This paper is an introduction to the argument for a systematic approach to the impact of direct digital printing processes and technology on textile design using a design management model. It identifies various issues experienced in the paper printing industry which has adopted management strategies to accommodate these changes. Since literature in this field is in its infancy, an integrated strategy approach based on Hambrick and Fredrickson provides a starting point from which continuing research can develop a model for the textile industry.


Nov 17th, 12:00 AM

New Models for Design Management in the Textile Industry in Response to Direct Digital Textile Print Technology and Manufacture.

This paper is based on initial research including a literature review of the management of digital printing processes and technology in the paper and textile industries. For the purposes of this paper I will use the scope of thought evolved from the Design Management Institute in Boston USA. Continuing research will be augmented by quantitative data analysis and comparative analysis of case studies and also research of the philosophical underpinning of these business ventures. This paper is an introduction to the argument for a systematic approach to the impact of direct digital printing processes and technology on textile design using a design management model. It identifies various issues experienced in the paper printing industry which has adopted management strategies to accommodate these changes. Since literature in this field is in its infancy, an integrated strategy approach based on Hambrick and Fredrickson provides a starting point from which continuing research can develop a model for the textile industry.


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