Whilst certain CRCs use industrial designers on a fee for service basis, few have been involved as key activity drivers from the beginning and for the duration of a CRC. The National institute of Design, Swinburne University of Technology has been involved since the beginning of the CRC for Wood Innovations. Appropriate design strategies suitable for PhD candidates and research in a variety of complex environments have been developed, implemented and continue to evolve.
Anderson, L., Allnutt, L., and Thony, C. (2004) Designing Design Research Within a Collaborative Research Centre: A Flexible Approach to Working with Scientists, Government, Industry and Academia., in Redmond, J., Durling, D. and de Bono, A (eds.), Futureground - DRS International Conference 2004, 17-21 November, Melbourne, Australia. https://dl.designresearchsociety.org/drs-conference-papers/drs2004/researchpapers/20
Designing Design Research Within a Collaborative Research Centre: A Flexible Approach to Working with Scientists, Government, Industry and Academia.
Whilst certain CRCs use industrial designers on a fee for service basis, few have been involved as key activity drivers from the beginning and for the duration of a CRC. The National institute of Design, Swinburne University of Technology has been involved since the beginning of the CRC for Wood Innovations. Appropriate design strategies suitable for PhD candidates and research in a variety of complex environments have been developed, implemented and continue to evolve.