DRS Digital Library - DRS Biennial Conference Series: How to Develop Basic Research in Communication Design


As a matter of competence and legitimacy, Communication design needs the grounding and knowledge that come from basic research. One of the major impediments to basic research in communication design is the lack of theoretical frames by which to apprehend and isolate valid, significant research questions and define research methods. This paper explicates these problems and proposes solutions by outlining a process of defining theory and method and by proposing a specific ontological and epistemological frame within which to conduct research in communication design.


communication, cognition/perception, semiotics, interpretation


Nov 1st, 12:00 AM

How to Develop Basic Research in Communication Design

As a matter of competence and legitimacy, Communication design needs the grounding and knowledge that come from basic research. One of the major impediments to basic research in communication design is the lack of theoretical frames by which to apprehend and isolate valid, significant research questions and define research methods. This paper explicates these problems and proposes solutions by outlining a process of defining theory and method and by proposing a specific ontological and epistemological frame within which to conduct research in communication design.


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