This article, published in Design Research Quarterly (3:4) October 2008, is based on the keynote address given by Prof Alan Blackwell at the DRS conference in 2008. Design Research Quarterly. Design Research Society ISSN 1752-8445.
Blackwell, A. (2008) Keynote address: Design Research and Academic Disciplines, in Durling, D., Rust, C., Chen, L., Ashton, P. and Friedman, K. (eds.), Undisciplined! - DRS International Conference 2008, 16-19 July, Sheffield, United Kingdom. https://dl.designresearchsociety.org/drs-conference-papers/drs2008/researchpapers/16
Keynote address: Design Research and Academic Disciplines
This article, published in Design Research Quarterly (3:4) October 2008, is based on the keynote address given by Prof Alan Blackwell at the DRS conference in 2008. Design Research Quarterly. Design Research Society ISSN 1752-8445.