The author evaluates the results of a participatory action research that takes place amidst a private design school located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The objective of the research is to verify if it is possible to steer design education towards ecological sustainability. This paper presents a case study that reports on strategies and actions that were undertaken by a group of teachers in order to advance Ecological Design methods and thus contribute to sustainability building.
Design Education; Ecodesign; Ecological Design; Participatory Action Research
Barbosa, J. (2008) The Undisciplined Nature of Ecological Design, in Durling, D., Rust, C., Chen, L., Ashton, P. and Friedman, K. (eds.), Undisciplined! - DRS International Conference 2008, 16-19 July, Sheffield, United Kingdom. https://dl.designresearchsociety.org/drs-conference-papers/drs2008/researchpapers/7
The Undisciplined Nature of Ecological Design
The author evaluates the results of a participatory action research that takes place amidst a private design school located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The objective of the research is to verify if it is possible to steer design education towards ecological sustainability. This paper presents a case study that reports on strategies and actions that were undertaken by a group of teachers in order to advance Ecological Design methods and thus contribute to sustainability building.