In this speculative paper, I will argue that the design community should attempt to develop a 'dictionary' of the language of design, along the same lines as the Oxford English Dictionary was and is developed: as a catalogue of the living use of terms. I will sketch an outline of how such a project could be started quite easily with modern technologies. I will then consider one word in particular – 'discipline' – as an example of the need for such a dictionary, by examining the various senses of the word and how even just reflecting on that can illuminate issues of clear communications.
Terminology; Lexicography; Semantics; Dictionary; Communication; Language.
Salustri, F., and Rogers, D. (2008) Some Thoughts on Terminology and Discipline in Design, in Durling, D., Rust, C., Chen, L., Ashton, P. and Friedman, K. (eds.), Undisciplined! - DRS International Conference 2008, 16-19 July, Sheffield, United Kingdom. https://dl.designresearchsociety.org/drs-conference-papers/drs2008/researchpapers/82
Some Thoughts on Terminology and Discipline in Design
In this speculative paper, I will argue that the design community should attempt to develop a 'dictionary' of the language of design, along the same lines as the Oxford English Dictionary was and is developed: as a catalogue of the living use of terms. I will sketch an outline of how such a project could be started quite easily with modern technologies. I will then consider one word in particular – 'discipline' – as an example of the need for such a dictionary, by examining the various senses of the word and how even just reflecting on that can illuminate issues of clear communications.