
Current debates on design research, and its relation to other research fields and scientific disciplines, refer back to a fundamental distinction introduced by Herb Simon (Simon, 1996 (1981)): Design and design research do not primarily focus on explaining the world as it is; they share with engineering a fundamental interest in focusing on the world as it could be. In parallel, we observe a growing interest in the science studies to interpret scientific research as a constructive and creative practice (Knorr Cetina, 1999; 2002), organized as experimental systems (Rheinberger, 2001). Design fiction is a new approach, which integrates these two perspectives, in order to develop a method toolbox for design research for a complex world (Bleecker, 2009; Wiedmer & Caviezel, 2009; Grand 2010).


Epistemology, Science Studies, Design Fiction, Experiment


Jul 7th, 12:00 AM

Design Fiction: A Method Toolbox for Design Research in a Complex World

Current debates on design research, and its relation to other research fields and scientific disciplines, refer back to a fundamental distinction introduced by Herb Simon (Simon, 1996 (1981)): Design and design research do not primarily focus on explaining the world as it is; they share with engineering a fundamental interest in focusing on the world as it could be. In parallel, we observe a growing interest in the science studies to interpret scientific research as a constructive and creative practice (Knorr Cetina, 1999; 2002), organized as experimental systems (Rheinberger, 2001). Design fiction is a new approach, which integrates these two perspectives, in order to develop a method toolbox for design research for a complex world (Bleecker, 2009; Wiedmer & Caviezel, 2009; Grand 2010).


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