
Over the last ten years, there has been an increasing interest in studying the role of aesthetics in design research and the new dimensions that this discipline could bring in our subjective relation with the environment around us. Much has been written in order to understand the factors that contribute to an aesthetic experience with products but little of this research is transferred in the design process in order to create this kind of experience to researchers, designers and engineers as a team. We use a theoretical framework that describes an aesthetic experience, and focus on the narrative quality of such an experience. By providing narrative triggers to the persons involved in a design process of a work-inprogress web platform called SenseTale, we aim to see the influence of these triggers on the collective experience during a design workshop.


narrative dimension, experience, multidisciplinary team


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

Narrative Triggers for Aesthetic Experiences within the Design Process

Over the last ten years, there has been an increasing interest in studying the role of aesthetics in design research and the new dimensions that this discipline could bring in our subjective relation with the environment around us. Much has been written in order to understand the factors that contribute to an aesthetic experience with products but little of this research is transferred in the design process in order to create this kind of experience to researchers, designers and engineers as a team. We use a theoretical framework that describes an aesthetic experience, and focus on the narrative quality of such an experience. By providing narrative triggers to the persons involved in a design process of a work-inprogress web platform called SenseTale, we aim to see the influence of these triggers on the collective experience during a design workshop.


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