
The concept of schema is extensively applied into many fields like sociology, cognitive development, art therapy, etc. Generations with identical social background also differ in cognition of sub-cultural features and aesthetic feelings. Therefore, if testees of different ages are asked with same-topic questions, it’s possible to generalize common features and characteristics of perceptions under such theme, discover discrepancies between different ages or variables, and develop evaluation indicators. This study conducts two stages of investigations. At the first stage, testees are grouped according to their ages. 175 people draw pictures in terms of the topic, and different-age testees’ presentations of the same topic are compared. At the second stage, 190 teenagers are asked to describe details in words; common vocabulary of teenagers’ aesthetic perceptions and graphics symbols are studied, functioning as a preliminary investigation into the construction of teenagers’ aesthetic schema. Research results show differences in form and style between teenagers of identical age are caused by formative education and individual capability and taste; their discrepancy in drawing expression is even greater than across-age difference. Moreover, teenagers’ presentations of visual symbols really have some common visual words of the times. A part of these pictures embody a cross-age common presentation of cognitive symbol feature. Testees of different genders also differ in using pictures to express different words. Findings of this study can act as a basis of future researches and imply a trend of investigating cognition schema of symbol and graphic presentation.


schema, painting, cognitive development, aesthetic identity


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

A Preliminary Study on Teenagers Aesthetic Cognition Schema Using Six Painting Themes

The concept of schema is extensively applied into many fields like sociology, cognitive development, art therapy, etc. Generations with identical social background also differ in cognition of sub-cultural features and aesthetic feelings. Therefore, if testees of different ages are asked with same-topic questions, it’s possible to generalize common features and characteristics of perceptions under such theme, discover discrepancies between different ages or variables, and develop evaluation indicators. This study conducts two stages of investigations. At the first stage, testees are grouped according to their ages. 175 people draw pictures in terms of the topic, and different-age testees’ presentations of the same topic are compared. At the second stage, 190 teenagers are asked to describe details in words; common vocabulary of teenagers’ aesthetic perceptions and graphics symbols are studied, functioning as a preliminary investigation into the construction of teenagers’ aesthetic schema. Research results show differences in form and style between teenagers of identical age are caused by formative education and individual capability and taste; their discrepancy in drawing expression is even greater than across-age difference. Moreover, teenagers’ presentations of visual symbols really have some common visual words of the times. A part of these pictures embody a cross-age common presentation of cognitive symbol feature. Testees of different genders also differ in using pictures to express different words. Findings of this study can act as a basis of future researches and imply a trend of investigating cognition schema of symbol and graphic presentation.


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