
This research explored the elasticity of silver as a medium for expressing emotion in silver design, using Argentium® Sterling silver and laser welding. The research is situated in the context of traditional silversmithing design and practice (e.g. Clifford 1993, Glanville 2006, Hill and Margetts 2003), and has the aim of expanding its technical and creative possibilities (Niedderer 2009). The research investigated the different possibilities of creating movement based on the flexibility of Argentium® silver to facilitate emotional expression in functional and non-functional forms of bowls. The project was conducted using creative exploration (Durling and Niedderer 2007). A soma-semiotic framework was established based on approaches of design and emotion (Kälviäinen 2005, Weerdesteijn et al 2005, Schusterman 2011), within which the results of the study were interpreted. The outcome of the research is an enhanced understanding of the technical and conceptual issues of using elasticity and movement to create emotional expression in silver design, enabled by the combination of Argentium® silver and laser welding. In particular the study highlighted how complex emotions can be embodied in design objects, stressing the need for future research to develop a broader spectrum and vocabulary of complex emotional expression.


craft, silver, design, elasticity, expression, emotion, movement, function, project-based research


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

Exploring Elasticity as a Medium for Emotional Expression in Silver Design

This research explored the elasticity of silver as a medium for expressing emotion in silver design, using Argentium® Sterling silver and laser welding. The research is situated in the context of traditional silversmithing design and practice (e.g. Clifford 1993, Glanville 2006, Hill and Margetts 2003), and has the aim of expanding its technical and creative possibilities (Niedderer 2009). The research investigated the different possibilities of creating movement based on the flexibility of Argentium® silver to facilitate emotional expression in functional and non-functional forms of bowls. The project was conducted using creative exploration (Durling and Niedderer 2007). A soma-semiotic framework was established based on approaches of design and emotion (Kälviäinen 2005, Weerdesteijn et al 2005, Schusterman 2011), within which the results of the study were interpreted. The outcome of the research is an enhanced understanding of the technical and conceptual issues of using elasticity and movement to create emotional expression in silver design, enabled by the combination of Argentium® silver and laser welding. In particular the study highlighted how complex emotions can be embodied in design objects, stressing the need for future research to develop a broader spectrum and vocabulary of complex emotional expression.


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