The present paper is an exploratory research within packaging design for perfumes. It discusses about the possibility of enhancing the experience of the user by associating the visual language with the smells. It is common sense in the design field the importance of user experience. Designers from different areas have been discussing a way of enhance it. One of the approaches which appear in this scenario is the term (multi)sensorial. It is believed in the contribution of this approach for the packaging design. It is interest of the authors the use of color as a language in design able to enhance the communication, and consequently, the experience. The authors investigate the relationship that the colors can establish with the smells. They start from the assumption that it is possible to establish an association between the senses of vision and smell. They believe that, once synchronized, visual and olfactory stimuli may increase the perception of a perfume. Therefore the paper explores and discusses the visual and olfactory senses and their meanings. Moreover, it is proposed an intersemiotic translation between these senses.
Color; Perfume; Semiotic; Packaging; Design
Silva, C., and Mazzilli, C. (2014) Translating smells into colors: a proposal for improve the perception of perfume packaging design, in Lim, Y., Niedderer, K., Redström, J., Stolterman, E. and Valtonen, A. (eds.), Design's Big Debates - DRS International Conference 2014, 16-19 June, Umeå, Sweden. https://dl.designresearchsociety.org/drs-conference-papers/drs2014/researchpapers/5
Translating smells into colors: a proposal for improve the perception of perfume packaging design
The present paper is an exploratory research within packaging design for perfumes. It discusses about the possibility of enhancing the experience of the user by associating the visual language with the smells. It is common sense in the design field the importance of user experience. Designers from different areas have been discussing a way of enhance it. One of the approaches which appear in this scenario is the term (multi)sensorial. It is believed in the contribution of this approach for the packaging design. It is interest of the authors the use of color as a language in design able to enhance the communication, and consequently, the experience. The authors investigate the relationship that the colors can establish with the smells. They start from the assumption that it is possible to establish an association between the senses of vision and smell. They believe that, once synchronized, visual and olfactory stimuli may increase the perception of a perfume. Therefore the paper explores and discusses the visual and olfactory senses and their meanings. Moreover, it is proposed an intersemiotic translation between these senses.