
Over the past 13 years, the authors have established an international network of partner univer-sities who are committed to co-operate in trans-disciplinary and locally distributed ways by using modern information and communication technologies and, hence, crossing cultural and discipli-nary boundaries. The projects always originate from industrial tasks, tackle challenges that are complex in nature and that cannot be solved by mono-disciplinary teams alone. The paper de-scribes the pedagogic background of this setting as well as the structure of the course. Due to the fact that the entire design process is based on electronic communication, the decision mak-ing process is accessible for subsequent analyses of the digital data bases generated through-out the multi-disciplinary process. This allows to better understand the characteristics and dif-ferences of successful and effective processes vs. miscarried and failing ones.


Trans-Disciplinary Design Education; International and Trans-Cultural Cooperation; Dynamic Knowledge Databases


Jun 16th, 12:00 AM

Trans-Disciplinary Design Education - Bridging Academia and Industry

Over the past 13 years, the authors have established an international network of partner univer-sities who are committed to co-operate in trans-disciplinary and locally distributed ways by using modern information and communication technologies and, hence, crossing cultural and discipli-nary boundaries. The projects always originate from industrial tasks, tackle challenges that are complex in nature and that cannot be solved by mono-disciplinary teams alone. The paper de-scribes the pedagogic background of this setting as well as the structure of the course. Due to the fact that the entire design process is based on electronic communication, the decision mak-ing process is accessible for subsequent analyses of the digital data bases generated through-out the multi-disciplinary process. This allows to better understand the characteristics and dif-ferences of successful and effective processes vs. miscarried and failing ones.


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