
A psychophysical experiment was conducted using athletic shoes as an example to study colour preference and colour harmony. A total of 404 test images were generated from two original shoe images, one from Nike and the other from Adidas, each manipulated by varying the two-colour combination of the shoe design, including the main colour of the shoe and the logo colour. Twenty observers participated in the experiment. Each observer was asked to rate the shoe images using two semantic scales: like/dislike and harmonious/disharmonious. The experimental results show that the colour preference rating relied strongly on the main colour of the shoe regardless of the logo colour, while the colour harmony rating was affected not only by hue similarity but also lightness difference between the main colour and the logo colour.


colour preference; colour harmony; shoe design

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Jun 17th, 12:00 AM

A comparison between colour preference and colour harmony – taking athletic shoe design as an example

A psychophysical experiment was conducted using athletic shoes as an example to study colour preference and colour harmony. A total of 404 test images were generated from two original shoe images, one from Nike and the other from Adidas, each manipulated by varying the two-colour combination of the shoe design, including the main colour of the shoe and the logo colour. Twenty observers participated in the experiment. Each observer was asked to rate the shoe images using two semantic scales: like/dislike and harmonious/disharmonious. The experimental results show that the colour preference rating relied strongly on the main colour of the shoe regardless of the logo colour, while the colour harmony rating was affected not only by hue similarity but also lightness difference between the main colour and the logo colour.


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