Papers included in the Design Innovation Management Special Interests Group’s section cover a spectrum of topics such as trying to develop a measurement to benchmark design’s strategic impact in manufacturing companies, or exploring external barriers hampering safety product innovation and exploring critical thinking elements in educational settings. The included papers in the DRS2020 conference proceedings illustrate the wide level of diversity related to design innovation management research.
Bohemia, E., and Kuys, B. (2020) DRS2020 Editorial: Diversity of Design Innovation Management research – the Design Innovation Management SIG, in Boess, S., Cheung, M. and Cain, R. (eds.), Synergy - DRS International Conference 2020, 11-14 August, Held online. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2020.115
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DRS2020 Editorial: Diversity of Design Innovation Management research – the Design Innovation Management SIG
Papers included in the Design Innovation Management Special Interests Group’s section cover a spectrum of topics such as trying to develop a measurement to benchmark design’s strategic impact in manufacturing companies, or exploring external barriers hampering safety product innovation and exploring critical thinking elements in educational settings. The included papers in the DRS2020 conference proceedings illustrate the wide level of diversity related to design innovation management research.