
The third DRS conference tentSIG section builds on at least two of themes explored in 2018, and in many ways extends the theme of this year’s conference, Synergy, beyond any simple conceptualisations of collaborative or co-created design research. In particular the papers this year demonstrate further the continuing ‘geometric expansion’ of the design space, first discussed by Lee, Cooper and Hands in 2018, through worked examples of diverse aspects of the design experience, impacted in quite profound ways by a shift away from the human-centred, and towards a ‘flat’ ontology through distributed notions of users, processes, authorship, value creation, business models, and of course, products and services

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Aug 11th, 12:00 AM

DRS2020 Editorial: Design for Tangible, Embedded and Networked Technologies

The third DRS conference tentSIG section builds on at least two of themes explored in 2018, and in many ways extends the theme of this year’s conference, Synergy, beyond any simple conceptualisations of collaborative or co-created design research. In particular the papers this year demonstrate further the continuing ‘geometric expansion’ of the design space, first discussed by Lee, Cooper and Hands in 2018, through worked examples of diverse aspects of the design experience, impacted in quite profound ways by a shift away from the human-centred, and towards a ‘flat’ ontology through distributed notions of users, processes, authorship, value creation, business models, and of course, products and services


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