Situations are an emergent theme in design research that reflect the community’s increasing awareness of positionality, diverse circumstances and contexts. How is design research situated in cross-disciplinary collaboration, navigating cultures, diversity, ethics, sense of place and sense of materials, and the habits of different design communities? Under which conditions does design research flourish and is it able to help create positive impact? What are the dynamics between design research, governments and industry contexts?
Boess, S., and Cain, R. (2020) DRS2020 Editorial: theme Situations, in Boess, S., Cheung, M. and Cain, R. (eds.), Synergy - DRS International Conference 2020, 11-14 August, Held online. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2020.101
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DRS2020 Editorial: theme Situations
Situations are an emergent theme in design research that reflect the community’s increasing awareness of positionality, diverse circumstances and contexts. How is design research situated in cross-disciplinary collaboration, navigating cultures, diversity, ethics, sense of place and sense of materials, and the habits of different design communities? Under which conditions does design research flourish and is it able to help create positive impact? What are the dynamics between design research, governments and industry contexts?