Current imaginaries of AI are pulled in opposing directions. On the utopian side, AI is being projected as the better half of humankind, evening out the fallibility of human bias and our inability to “know it all”. On the dystopian side, AI will make hu- mans either obsolete or turn humans into overly optimized cogs in a machine. The reality will most likely lie somewhere in between, in an uncomfortable grey zone of compromises, tradeoffs and negotiations of values and desired futures. In this conver- sation, we want to explore the tensions between contrasting imaginaries, which we present as four different positions towards how the future development of AI should be approached.
artificial intelligence, prototyping, conversations
Rattay, S., Yurrita, M., Garnham, I., and Browne, J.T. (2022) Prototyping tensions: How to talk to your colleagues about AI, in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 27 June - 3 July, Bilbao, Spain. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.909
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Prototyping tensions: How to talk to your colleagues about AI
Current imaginaries of AI are pulled in opposing directions. On the utopian side, AI is being projected as the better half of humankind, evening out the fallibility of human bias and our inability to “know it all”. On the dystopian side, AI will make hu- mans either obsolete or turn humans into overly optimized cogs in a machine. The reality will most likely lie somewhere in between, in an uncomfortable grey zone of compromises, tradeoffs and negotiations of values and desired futures. In this conver- sation, we want to explore the tensions between contrasting imaginaries, which we present as four different positions towards how the future development of AI should be approached.