
This paper investigates the notion of designing opportunities for adult play in public space. The project responds to a changing landscape of play, within a context of worsening national mental health and a need for building resilience in our current climate. Following a methodology that includes co-design, social innovation and craft, the design intervention is a curated play walk in a local urban environment, inviting participation, exploration and creative expression. Through a qualitative evaluation of the intervention’s impact, there is an emergence of insights related to designing for play in public space, leading to the elaboration of a set of design for play principles.


play, public space, codesign, mental health

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
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Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 25th, 9:00 AM

Exploring the complexity and agency of play through co-design and experiential design with and for adults

This paper investigates the notion of designing opportunities for adult play in public space. The project responds to a changing landscape of play, within a context of worsening national mental health and a need for building resilience in our current climate. Following a methodology that includes co-design, social innovation and craft, the design intervention is a curated play walk in a local urban environment, inviting participation, exploration and creative expression. Through a qualitative evaluation of the intervention’s impact, there is an emergence of insights related to designing for play in public space, leading to the elaboration of a set of design for play principles.


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