We present a transdisciplinary approach to the problem of careless privacy be-haviour manifested when people publish images online. Combining the disci-plines of Design and Computer Vision, we developed an interface and a narrative by modelling privacy in a socio-technical context. Building on Gordon Pask’s The-ory of Conversation, we designed an experiential dialogue between people and algorithms, and we used this dialogue as a platform to observe people as a sys-tem composed of the reactions to the stimuli received from profiling algorithms. Through this platform we assessed any changes in awareness and proactivity in mitigating the risk of algorithmic profiling. Integrating design abductive thinking with privacy protection technology enabled us to reframe the analysis of human and technology relations through behavioural elements. This defined a narrative offering participants a heuristic learning experience about the importance of pri-vacy, which was achieved by harnessing complexity as an opportunity to develop change.
privacy, conversations, profiling algorithm, abductive thinking, computer vision, system-thinking design, experience design
ferrarello, l., cavallaro, a., fiadeiro, r., and Mazzon, R. (2022) Reframing the narrative of privacy through system-thinking design, in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June - 3 July, Bilbao, Spain. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.620
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Reframing the narrative of privacy through system-thinking design
We present a transdisciplinary approach to the problem of careless privacy be-haviour manifested when people publish images online. Combining the disci-plines of Design and Computer Vision, we developed an interface and a narrative by modelling privacy in a socio-technical context. Building on Gordon Pask’s The-ory of Conversation, we designed an experiential dialogue between people and algorithms, and we used this dialogue as a platform to observe people as a sys-tem composed of the reactions to the stimuli received from profiling algorithms. Through this platform we assessed any changes in awareness and proactivity in mitigating the risk of algorithmic profiling. Integrating design abductive thinking with privacy protection technology enabled us to reframe the analysis of human and technology relations through behavioural elements. This defined a narrative offering participants a heuristic learning experience about the importance of pri-vacy, which was achieved by harnessing complexity as an opportunity to develop change.