
: In the future, organisations must face sudden changes and increase competitiveness. Firms need to have resources and competencies to set a strategic advantage in the business context to survive. This paper describes two management models used to define strategy and implement benefits for the firm and compares them with a systemic framework and the Systemic Design Approach. The comparison highlights the necessity to analyse organisations considering their complexity in terms of resources and interactions between spheres and roles. This evidence led us to sustain that Systemic Design can provide a better approach to organisational complexity and could be able to manage the multiple interactions that an organisational implementation requires. The result is defining Systemic Design guidelines to implement the Systemic framework better and developing a toolkit to support firms in their organisational processes.


organizational change, systemic design, complexity, resilient organizations

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 25th, 9:00 AM

Systemic design's guidelines to implement organizational change

: In the future, organisations must face sudden changes and increase competitiveness. Firms need to have resources and competencies to set a strategic advantage in the business context to survive. This paper describes two management models used to define strategy and implement benefits for the firm and compares them with a systemic framework and the Systemic Design Approach. The comparison highlights the necessity to analyse organisations considering their complexity in terms of resources and interactions between spheres and roles. This evidence led us to sustain that Systemic Design can provide a better approach to organisational complexity and could be able to manage the multiple interactions that an organisational implementation requires. The result is defining Systemic Design guidelines to implement the Systemic framework better and developing a toolkit to support firms in their organisational processes.


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