This paper addresses inclusive design in a situation of complexity and how to improve it. The focus is on the inclusive design of a complex process and its tools, which is increasingly an issue in systemic design challenges. The current situation of climate change means we need to work on sustainability and inclusion at the same time. The paper presents a case study of an energetic renovation process and the stakeholders’ activities and views in it. In a research-through-design process, the paper traces the possibilities to intervene in the process with communication tools to increase inclusivity of both process and outcomes. Values emerging from the interventions revolve around insight, openness, and responsiveness in answering needs and resolving mismatches. The paper concludes that the communication tools developed help to generate these values and manage complexity. The tools give residents a voice in goal alignment towards inclusivity.
participatory inclusive design, values, complexity, sustainable renovation
Boess, S., and Jansen, F. (2022) Values arising from participatory inclusive design in a complex process, in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June - 3 July, Bilbao, Spain. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.704
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Values arising from participatory inclusive design in a complex process
This paper addresses inclusive design in a situation of complexity and how to improve it. The focus is on the inclusive design of a complex process and its tools, which is increasingly an issue in systemic design challenges. The current situation of climate change means we need to work on sustainability and inclusion at the same time. The paper presents a case study of an energetic renovation process and the stakeholders’ activities and views in it. In a research-through-design process, the paper traces the possibilities to intervene in the process with communication tools to increase inclusivity of both process and outcomes. Values emerging from the interventions revolve around insight, openness, and responsiveness in answering needs and resolving mismatches. The paper concludes that the communication tools developed help to generate these values and manage complexity. The tools give residents a voice in goal alignment towards inclusivity.