Designing for people with dementia requires a tailored approach that addresses the specific complexities related to dementia. Design principles can provide guidance for designing in this complex context. Work in this field discusses recommendations, guidelines, or principles to design for dementia. However, this information is scattered and a clear overview of design principles, that designers can apply, is missing. In this paper we propose a set of design principles that is grounded in existing literature on designing for people with dementia. We first explore and analyse design recommendations that are described in related work. Next, we merge them into 10 design principles. Finally, we discuss the different roles of these principles, and how they are interconnected. This results in a tool for researchers and designers to use in designing for people with dementia: the Wheel of Design Principles.
dementia, design principle, guideline, recommendation
Wesselink, R., Ludden, G., Hettinga, M., and Eggen, B. (2022) Designing for dementia: An analysis of design principles, in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June - 3 July, Bilbao, Spain. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.287
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Designing for dementia: An analysis of design principles
Designing for people with dementia requires a tailored approach that addresses the specific complexities related to dementia. Design principles can provide guidance for designing in this complex context. Work in this field discusses recommendations, guidelines, or principles to design for dementia. However, this information is scattered and a clear overview of design principles, that designers can apply, is missing. In this paper we propose a set of design principles that is grounded in existing literature on designing for people with dementia. We first explore and analyse design recommendations that are described in related work. Next, we merge them into 10 design principles. Finally, we discuss the different roles of these principles, and how they are interconnected. This results in a tool for researchers and designers to use in designing for people with dementia: the Wheel of Design Principles.