Queering imagines the end of rigid binaries, norms, traditions, assumptions, and impositions of the dominant culture. Intersectionality multiplies connections and amplifies perspectives. Affordances like these can free us to navigate our timelines on our own terms, to rethink our pasts and reframe our futures. This track explores how complexities of positionalities improve our ability to design models, methods, practices, and strategies compatible with more equitable futures across all our identities.
complexity, Queerness, intersectionality, futures, time travel
Westbrook, J.P., and Ehmke, C.A. (2024) Joyful Complexity: Queering, intersecting, and navigating alternate futures, in Gray, C., Ciliotta Chehade, E., Hekkert, P., Forlano, L., Ciuccarelli, P., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2024: Boston, 23–28 June, Boston, USA. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2024.101
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Research Paper
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Joyful Complexity: Queering, intersecting, and navigating alternate futures
Queering imagines the end of rigid binaries, norms, traditions, assumptions, and impositions of the dominant culture. Intersectionality multiplies connections and amplifies perspectives. Affordances like these can free us to navigate our timelines on our own terms, to rethink our pasts and reframe our futures. This track explores how complexities of positionalities improve our ability to design models, methods, practices, and strategies compatible with more equitable futures across all our identities.