Sponsored as the official track of PoGoSIG, this track aims to critically explore and define the relationship between policy and design. Further, this track will serve as an initial call for papers for the upcoming edited volume of the same subject in the Routledge series ‘Design for Social Responsibility’ edited by Rachel Cooper. The track can be divided into an expanse of three key areas: 1. Past: Resistance Where did design for policy emerge from? Papers that can provide historical overviews of key initiatives that have demonstrated the value of and challenges for design for policy. The papers will provide understandings of where design for policy has developed and contributed across a broad range of policy areas. 2. Present: Recovery & Reflection What are current global examples of success in the field of design for policy and governance? Papers focused on case studies that highlight recent examples of designing policy (in innovative areas), e.g., local, national, regional/global, as well as case studies of design methods being used in a range of scales. 3. Future: Reimagination What do we mean by design futures for policy and governance? Papers exploring how design might support the emergence of a new generation of public policies as well as the future of government as an organization. These papers will explore how design methods/heuristics are being or might be used to create and implement policies in the future e.g., world building, design fiction, and how they help reimagine the future of policymaking.
design, policy, governance, sustainability
Schmidt, S., and Mortati, M. (2024) Past, present, and future: Understanding the expanse of design for policy and governance, in Gray, C., Ciliotta Chehade, E., Hekkert, P., Forlano, L., Ciuccarelli, P., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2024: Boston, 23–28 June, Boston, USA. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2024.135
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Conference Track
Research Paper
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Past, present, and future: Understanding the expanse of design for policy and governance
Sponsored as the official track of PoGoSIG, this track aims to critically explore and define the relationship between policy and design. Further, this track will serve as an initial call for papers for the upcoming edited volume of the same subject in the Routledge series ‘Design for Social Responsibility’ edited by Rachel Cooper. The track can be divided into an expanse of three key areas: 1. Past: Resistance Where did design for policy emerge from? Papers that can provide historical overviews of key initiatives that have demonstrated the value of and challenges for design for policy. The papers will provide understandings of where design for policy has developed and contributed across a broad range of policy areas. 2. Present: Recovery & Reflection What are current global examples of success in the field of design for policy and governance? Papers focused on case studies that highlight recent examples of designing policy (in innovative areas), e.g., local, national, regional/global, as well as case studies of design methods being used in a range of scales. 3. Future: Reimagination What do we mean by design futures for policy and governance? Papers exploring how design might support the emergence of a new generation of public policies as well as the future of government as an organization. These papers will explore how design methods/heuristics are being or might be used to create and implement policies in the future e.g., world building, design fiction, and how they help reimagine the future of policymaking.