
Products imbued with traditional cultural semantic information hold significance in commerce, culture, and the dissemination of information. However, the integration of implicit cultural semantics into the design process of cultural products poses a significant challenge. Key issues include the inaccurate expression of implicit semantics and the inadequacy of semantic information retrieval and inspi-ration. Therefore, we adopt a datadriven approach to achieve symbolic semantic expression in generating and inspiring design concepts for cultural products. In this paper, we utilize the generative pretrained transformer (GPT-3.5) as the base language model (PLM). By analyzing semantic information features in layers and mapping, we identify two design concept generators, fine-tuning them for the automatic retrieval and expression of semantic information. This is undertaken to generate cultural product designs in a natural language form. The method under-goes experimental evaluation, and the results demonstrate that our approach can generate cultural product design concepts containing accurate cultural information.


applications of large language models; natural language processing; cultural product design; symbolic semantics

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Cultural Product Design Concept Generation with Symbolic Semantic Information Expression Using GPT

Products imbued with traditional cultural semantic information hold significance in commerce, culture, and the dissemination of information. However, the integration of implicit cultural semantics into the design process of cultural products poses a significant challenge. Key issues include the inaccurate expression of implicit semantics and the inadequacy of semantic information retrieval and inspi-ration. Therefore, we adopt a datadriven approach to achieve symbolic semantic expression in generating and inspiring design concepts for cultural products. In this paper, we utilize the generative pretrained transformer (GPT-3.5) as the base language model (PLM). By analyzing semantic information features in layers and mapping, we identify two design concept generators, fine-tuning them for the automatic retrieval and expression of semantic information. This is undertaken to generate cultural product designs in a natural language form. The method under-goes experimental evaluation, and the results demonstrate that our approach can generate cultural product design concepts containing accurate cultural information.


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