
We understand this world through our sense perceptions and past associations. The main objective of the study was to sketch the face of a character with a specific identity, so that it aligns with its intended description, thus ensuring it is perceived as intended. The use of shapes and features of animals have helped to derive characters that represent an archetype. The digital representations of these characters find their place along two distinct axes: (i) transitioning from elaborate to minimal and (ii) shifting between animalistic and human features. The methodology harmoniously merges diverse character appearances, eliminating fragmentation. We place significant emphasis on symmetry, streamlined line reduction, and the incorporation of compound shapes, facilitating the seamless shift from elaborate portrayals to minimal representations while retaining elements reminiscent of the initial elaborate stage. This study can offer insights into game and character design, cross-disciplinary studies of psychology and perception, anthropology and semiotics.


elaborate and minimal; transformative; animal and human; symmetry and reduction; bricolage

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Transformative sketching: Unveiling character identity in two dimensions

We understand this world through our sense perceptions and past associations. The main objective of the study was to sketch the face of a character with a specific identity, so that it aligns with its intended description, thus ensuring it is perceived as intended. The use of shapes and features of animals have helped to derive characters that represent an archetype. The digital representations of these characters find their place along two distinct axes: (i) transitioning from elaborate to minimal and (ii) shifting between animalistic and human features. The methodology harmoniously merges diverse character appearances, eliminating fragmentation. We place significant emphasis on symmetry, streamlined line reduction, and the incorporation of compound shapes, facilitating the seamless shift from elaborate portrayals to minimal representations while retaining elements reminiscent of the initial elaborate stage. This study can offer insights into game and character design, cross-disciplinary studies of psychology and perception, anthropology and semiotics.


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