
Stray dog population management (SDPM) poses a significant social challenge in Asia, where adoption services in animal shelters offer a resolution. However, the severity of this issue is exacerbated by high personnel and infrastructure de-mands, coupled with limited public awareness. Our application of service design strategically optimizes and enhances the quality and experience of adoption ser-vices. We recognized the pivotal role of service prototypes in navigating the complexities inherent in social problems. This study examines two animal adop-tion service cases, highlighting the diverse uses of prototypes in understanding social issues refining and evaluating designs within societal limitations. Detailed roles and two major categories are identified, illustrating how prototypes ad-dress complexities arising from the interactive influence of three core elements in service design. This study aims to equip service designers with valuable in-sights for effectively utilizing service prototypes in problem-solving, benefiting SDPM and other public service.


service design; social design; service prototypes

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

How to use service prototypes to reduce the complexity of social problems : A Case Study of Adoption Services of Public Animal Shelter.

Stray dog population management (SDPM) poses a significant social challenge in Asia, where adoption services in animal shelters offer a resolution. However, the severity of this issue is exacerbated by high personnel and infrastructure de-mands, coupled with limited public awareness. Our application of service design strategically optimizes and enhances the quality and experience of adoption ser-vices. We recognized the pivotal role of service prototypes in navigating the complexities inherent in social problems. This study examines two animal adop-tion service cases, highlighting the diverse uses of prototypes in understanding social issues refining and evaluating designs within societal limitations. Detailed roles and two major categories are identified, illustrating how prototypes ad-dress complexities arising from the interactive influence of three core elements in service design. This study aims to equip service designers with valuable in-sights for effectively utilizing service prototypes in problem-solving, benefiting SDPM and other public service.


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