
Extensive learning and comprehensive consideration of the dynamic connections between stakeholders are the keys to tapping into novel insights, especially in service design. However, due to their lack of professional experience, novice designers usually struggle with the complicated network of stakeholders which results in incomplete design solutions. We created the Stakeholder-Nexus, a knowledge graph-based heuristic teaching tool based on reliable service design examples, to address this problem. By conducting pre-post comparison experiments, we revealed that using the tool significantly increased the effectiveness of stakeholder learning and ideation of design solutions yielded heightened creativity with increased appeal and improved feasibility. Furthermore, we discuss the impact of stimulus distance on the tool's effectiveness and the range of reflecting effects for future stakeholder-related service design education.


design education;service design;stakeholder;creativity

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
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Conference Track

Research Paper


Jun 23rd, 9:00 AM Jun 28th, 5:00 PM

Unleashing creative ideation through stakeholder-related learning: The ripple effect with stakeholder-nexus tool

Extensive learning and comprehensive consideration of the dynamic connections between stakeholders are the keys to tapping into novel insights, especially in service design. However, due to their lack of professional experience, novice designers usually struggle with the complicated network of stakeholders which results in incomplete design solutions. We created the Stakeholder-Nexus, a knowledge graph-based heuristic teaching tool based on reliable service design examples, to address this problem. By conducting pre-post comparison experiments, we revealed that using the tool significantly increased the effectiveness of stakeholder learning and ideation of design solutions yielded heightened creativity with increased appeal and improved feasibility. Furthermore, we discuss the impact of stimulus distance on the tool's effectiveness and the range of reflecting effects for future stakeholder-related service design education.


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